Azora Consultancy Ltd.
A Trademark Agent specializes in assisting clients with trademark registration, protection, and enforcement. Their duties include conducting trademark searches, filing applications, responding to office actions, and advising on trademark disputes or infringement issues. They ensure clients' intellectual property rights are safeguarded in compliance with local and international laws.
Azora Consultancy Ltd.
A Legal Consultant provides expert advice on legal matters, helping businesses and individuals navigate complex legal issues. Their responsibilities include assessing legal risks, drafting policies, advising on compliance with laws, and offering solutions to disputes. They may specialize in areas like corporate law, intellectual property, or employment law.
Azora Consultancy Ltd.
A Trademark Agent specializes in assisting clients with trademark registration, protection, and enforcement. Their duties include conducting trademark searches, filing applications, responding to office actions, and advising on trademark disputes or infringement issues. They ensure clients' intellectual property rights are safeguarded in compliance with local and international laws.